Co-creation Live factory "Dissenting Bodies - Marking Time" VENICE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE ART WEEK 2020 Sitting in the room in front of the ball of wool that I put on a small wicker chair. The material and I are on the same level. The time of the performative action was 5 hours. Actual time 3 and a half hours. The performative action from beginning to end did not follow at all the pattern I had planned. the direction took a completely different form. For about 2 hours and maybe more, I had the feeling that I was fighting with the material, against the material, for the material until this relationship ran out, dried up and somehow where to let it go. Suddenly the small stool on which the wool was placed at the beginning I felt it close to my legs. It was as if it had called me gently and delicately. The performative action took shape and concreteness this instant. I still remember the feeling: I was standing on my back and crying; at that moment I started to touch and move with my right leg the stool towards the back very slowly, then we went back to the front until the wool and the stool were facing each other. That' s when the real communication began. Time was running out. Everything was fragile and strong, I felt that I was starting a dialogue when suddenly.... the light blew out. The blackout took me by surprise and distracted me, so I stopped the whole action. Although the action had ended prematurely, I had found what I was looking for. my authenticity and truth and it was a moving and beautiful experience at the same time. |