choreographed and performed by Sara Simeoni
light designer : Danila Blasi
video : Stefano Maksan Di Martino
music : Alessandra Celletti, Riccardo La Barbera, Paky Zennaro.
A co-production with Senza Piombo and Sosta Palmizi
with the support of Centre Choreographique National Roubaix Nord Pas de Calais.
Non trascuro is a backward journey in my memory,
to the mydeepest self, until reaching the small "cavity" that formed itself in my left lung.
I have left myself being denuded, I abandoned myself to silence.
In this silence, the body began speaking.
These words transformed themselves in song, in vibration,the same song that Etty Hillesum sang
when deported from the Westerborg lager on her way to Auschwitz,
wrote “we have left the camp, singing”.